Hello world!

I decided to keep the default title of this post because I like that WordPress has kept it all these years. It’s a fun little celebration and recognition of putting yourself out there a little by posting your thoughts online. At the risk of sounding old this used to be a quaint, personal feeling that now goes unfelt by the millions upon millions of users who register for any and all social media platforms. Blogging was social media before social media, at least as far as I remember. It occurred somewhere before social media but after chat rooms. I would have to research where message boards fit into that timeline.

I don’t know exactly what will be written here on this blog and I think that’s for the best. Over the years, I have spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about the best way to go about creating content instead of simply creating it. Decades ago, a friend told me a story about a woman he knew who successfully sued a soft drink company because they used a photo of her without her permission. I replied “Why can’t something like that happen to us?”. He said, “I think you have to actually produce something first.”

I laughed because of course he was right. Since then I’ve created content of all kinds but none of it successful and all of it short-lived. The reasons for this are numerous and mundane. For the most part I simply do not have the single-mindedness or singular passion for one thing that would drive me to talk about it day in, day out. I enjoy all types of media and will talk about all of those here. I believe the arts are the lifeblood of our society, as well as a reflection of it. In other ways I believe it is the reason we are here on this earth. We work to (theoretically) ensure that we’re all taken care of, and then we go and have fun. Music makes us dance, stories teach us to empathize and games simulate all kinds of experiences, many of which we share in with others.

Of course, everything in moderation. We have to be mindful to get out into this world that we live in, to have as many “real” experiences as we can. Even if we favor the simulated or the spectacle of being an audience member it is important to see and feel as much reality as possible because, if nothing else, we can identify even more with those stories we love so much and see first-hand where they come from and why they’re important.

The above paragraph is mostly a disclaimer. Don’t lose sight of what’s in front of you, but in the meantime I’ll be here talking about all the fun stuff that’s often consumed digitally, but is nonetheless entertaining and important. I’ll be talking about all kind of pop culture and things you need a screen for but with some rambling personal insight as well. It will often be unfocused but that is the kind of content I think I am destined to make if any. I’ve spent too much time (literal decades) figuring out exactly what topic I want to opine about, because technology corporations have deemed that we can create whatever we want but no one will see it unless it’s their way. Well, I hope someone sees what I have to say here anyways.

You see what I mean now about “rambling” and “unfocused”. I hope you get something out of this though, and return regularly. Over time I will have a lot of things to say and fun stuff I will eventually think to plan for this site. Tell me what you think or what you want to see. Every post might not be for you, but sometimes that’s for the best and sometimes that’s the only way to find something new.

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